Thought Of The Day

Thought Of The day
July 9, 2024

As day follows night we

welcome a new dawn,

what follows is destiny.

Previous Thoughts

Thought Of The day
December 7, 2023

If you can’t change things,
Change how you see them.

Thought Of The day
December 6, 2023

There’s always that someone, that person who generally starts with the words… “what you need to do is”
Which could then lead to advice on practically any relevant subject matter at that given time.
The main character always means well, the question is…
Does it really count? does it really matter?
Or is it a case of, here we go again.

Thought Of The day
December 5, 2023

The older we become the quieter we become.
Rather like a good bottle of wine life humbles you, in the decisions you make, and you realise in the past you waisted so much of your time on triviality that really doesn’t matter.

Thought Of The day
December 4, 2023

Respect is something for you to earn. from your peers.

Respect comes in different forms and takes on many paths.

Respect the path you take and respect will come with you.

Thought Of The day
December 3, 2023

Don’t cry over the past, its gone. Don’t stress about future,

it hasn’t arrived. Live for now, make now count, make now

beautiful. for a beautiful you.

Thought Of The day
December 2, 2023

Your job is just a dream to the unemployed, your house s the dream

of the homeless, your smile is the dream of the depressed. your health

is the dream of the sick. think of them should you feel down. As difficult

times can make you forget, how fortunate you really are.