Thought Of The Day

Thought Of The day
July 9, 2024

As day follows night we

welcome a new dawn,

what follows is destiny.

Previous Thoughts

Thought Of The day
December 1, 2023

Forever or for now, you are not my lifetime. you are

my forever. You are not my for now, you are my always.

You are not my endings, you are my for ever after.

For true love has no boundaries.

Thought Of The day
November 30, 2023

You cannot escape the difficulties that the

journey of life brings you. learning to live through them,

That’s the difficult part, become the master in the plan of

understanding. That will help you through.

Thought Of The day
November 29, 2023

The mind can be a beautiful servant

A dangerous master. The direction can sometimes,

Lose control. It’s all really a case of mind over matter.

Thought Of The day
November 28, 2023

There is no rescue plan, nobody will rescue you.

from the mistakes you make. The only person that can save you,

you from all the twists and turns that life brings


Thought Of The day
November 28, 2023

Only you can write the next page

In your journey. The hole adventure

Is for you to determine

Thought Of The day
November 27, 2023

Make your goal not to be better than everyone else.
Make your goal to be better than you were the day before.
Take the steps that will make you become the better you.
As life is all about becoming the better you.
The better you makes for the better me and you.