Thought Of The Day

Thought Of The day
July 9, 2024

As day follows night we

welcome a new dawn,

what follows is destiny.

Previous Thoughts

Thought Of The day
November 15, 2023

Death takes the Body, Your God takes the soul, our mind holds the memories, The heart keeps the love. Faith tells us, as in that famous song we’ll meet again.

Thought Of The day
November 14, 2023

When that someone in your life really matters to you,
Yes that person you share private time with.
The you and me time. 
That’s the time when nothing else matters.
It’s the most private place you will ever find to be at one.

Thought Of The day
November 13, 2023

We, you and me.
We all have that special moment the special time in the day when we all show that someone in our life the true love and respect we hold only for them.
It could be just in a look or a glance, a gesture.
A something by chance.
Or just those simple words I love you.
We, you and me,
We can do it.
We can make the best part of our day out of  so many things.  

Thought Of The day
November 12, 2023

On this road with all its twists and turn in your journey called life.
Take the good with the bad smile with the sad.
Laugh at yourself that shows true character.
Love what you’ve got cause its more than most will ever have.
Learn from your mistakes in every twist and turn as things go wrong but just remember the ride goes on.

Thought Of The day
November 11, 2023

I looked at the moon and I saw the beauty of life.
I saw the sun rise and witness the power life brings.
I looked in the mirror and acknowledged what My god had created.
Take belief in that we are all tourists,
Your God is the travel agent who has all ready planned your itinerary, bookings and destination.
Its all mapped out before us trust in your God and enjoy the journey called.

Thought Of The day
November 10, 2023

The best medicine in the world is sunshine.
Rest, Exercise, Diet, Self-esteem, Love. 
Keep them in all stages of your life and enjoy all the fruits that the wealth and health each day brings.