Thought Of The Day

Thought Of The day
July 9, 2024

As day follows night we

welcome a new dawn,

what follows is destiny.

Previous Thoughts

Thought Of The day
November 3, 2023

Let them wrestle for the throne,
Let them silence the voice of virtue,
Let them walk and talk their walk,
Let them laugh at you just being you,
But most of all never let them alter…You

Thought Of The day
November 2, 2023

In the stillness of the evening, as the day comes to a close.

I here you whisper softly, just as you used to before.

That time before when our hearts were joined as one.

The day will come when we’ll meet again in that place.

Where there is no parting and there is no final word goodbye.

Thought Of The day
November 1, 2023

We all spend that sometime at some point in our lives searching,
Searching for the answer to the simplest question why. 
With doubt and trepidation, sometimes there is no answer there is no point in searching as the answer is already there.
You’re just the victim who cannot see the answer through searching and asking yourself, simply why.

Thought Of The day
October 31, 2023

Make sure that burning flame of desire never dissolves into just an ember 
Keep that fire in your heart,
As an eternal flame, feed it well.
With love and all good things.
Reflecting in the flicker of  joy and happiness, for the better you

Thought Of The day
October 30, 2023

Say it,
Tell them what’s on your mind.
Its better to express those true feelings, for  you will hate the you in you when time has passed you by and you haven’t said those things you wanted to say.
If only when the moments are gone, then life has passed you by is then far too late and a sorry moment with reason to cry.

Thought Of The day
October 29, 2023

Sometimes just to hold that special person in your life.
Holding them and embracing them with all you have is enough.
To tell them that’s all you ever need without saying a single word. 
For silence in true love says it all for you.