Thought Of The Day

Thought Of The day
July 9, 2024

As day follows night we

welcome a new dawn,

what follows is destiny.

Previous Thoughts

Thought Of The day
October 16, 2023

You are not my lifetime. You are my forever.
You are not my now you are my always
You are not my endings you are my beginnings
You are the one I want to share my last breath with 
You are my forever
You are my love beyond love.

Thought Of The day
October 15, 2023

One day you will wake up and discover there is no more time to do all those things you’ve always dreamed off, 
Do them now for tomorrow may be too late and your tomorrow will be just a memory

Thought Of The day
October 14, 2023

I need somebody (help) not just anybody (help) you know I need someone. 
A simple line that says so much and has travelled with us through the 60s from the fabulous 4 
A tennis racket guitar to help sing those words for a won’t to be boy pop star built characters of yesterday into the man he is today. 

Thought Of The day
October 13, 2023

Some people make you feel complete, just by being around them.
They are the ray of sunshine on a dark and cloudy day.
They are the best remedy of medicine on you can have in every single way.

Thought Of The day
October 12, 2023

He died when the house was empty;
A home that shared such happy times was now but in darkness,
That home with all that happiness stood now in silence.
The Rooms holding all the moments that make up the memories of all the future past.
Who ever thought that house would end up empty.

Thought Of The day
October 11, 2023

Special memories of the past make for lasting happiness of all that’s past.
A smile when in thought can say so much without you even saying a single word.