Thought Of The Day

Thought Of The day
July 9, 2024

As day follows night we

welcome a new dawn,

what follows is destiny.

Previous Thoughts

Thought Of The day
October 10, 2023

Live for the moment, Cherish the past.
The memories we have are the foundation to our future.
Of strength, Love and happiness.
Make each and every moment last.

Thought Of The day
October 9, 2023

Nobody cares how difficult you journey in life is.
Their to busy to spare a thought in time. 
Become the Author of your own life story and do as you please, make the story exciting and the others will then follow.

Thought Of The day
October 8, 2023

Time the ticking clock is the most valuable asset you have.
You need to spend it wisely and become the dictator of your own destiny.   
Take control of the path you take the journey then becomes up to you.

Thought Of The day
October 7, 2023

Investing in yourself isn’t selfish it’s the most worthwhile thing you can do,
For the worthwhile you makes for the worthwhile them.

Thought Of The day
October 6, 2023

Sorry always seems to be the hardest word to say when look for the answer in the circle of life.
Love and understanding play the major roll but you cannot make some one love so,
Your heart must let them go.

Thought Of The day
October 5, 2023

Don’t blame a clown for acting like a clown.
Ask yourself  a question,
Why do you keep going to the circus.