Thought Of The Day

Thought Of The day
July 9, 2024

As day follows night we

welcome a new dawn,

what follows is destiny.

Previous Thoughts

Thought Of The day
October 4, 2023

No one is left behind, in there life journey they are merely a passenger in time where the tide regularly ebbs and flows that dictates the weather and the storms before us.
Welcome to todays journey, buckle in and take in the ride

Thought Of The day
October 3, 2023

Time dictates and time decides who you meet in your life and who you want in your life. 
Your behaviour decides if they stay in your life

Thought Of The day
October 2, 2023

Time was never on our side, but we’ll love again.
We’ll share all those special moments and love again,
In that place where time stands still.
Until then you will always be that silent part of me, Until…

Thought Of The day
October 1, 2023

Shakespeare once said “I cried when I no shoes” ” But I stopped crying when I saw a man with no legs”.
Life is full of blessings, 
Sometimes we cannot see the value in the journey of life.

Thought Of The day
September 30, 2023

One day you will tell the story of how you overcame the things you’ve been going through, the hurt, the pain, and this will become part of someone else’s survival guide.
We all have a voice and a need to share.
Giving strength to others will keep you strong.

Thought Of The day
September 29, 2023

One day we will all come to realize that the material things mean nothing
We are just the custodian of all before us and all that really matters are the well being of the people we hold closely in our arms.
Embrace their love and hold them close for they are the only real things that matter.