Thought Of The Day

Thought Of The day
July 9, 2024

As day follows night we

welcome a new dawn,

what follows is destiny.

Previous Thoughts

Thought Of The day
September 28, 2023

They all say, or so they say, “You’ve changed a lot”
My question is, “Is that really me” or has the circumstances of events in time changed that former me.

Thought Of The day
September 27, 2023

There is an open space within my heart.
It started the day we are forced to be apart.
As it was not by choice there was no plan.
You were taken.
There was no more you and no more me. 
The open space is now full of the memory of our legacy; it’s now the forever you and me. 

Thought Of The day
September 26, 2023

There are no quick fixes to grief.
No easy answers.
It’s called the price we pay for love. 
We do not need permission to grieve, it’s simply our right.
Grief if you must, but only for a while.
It’s far better to treasure the memories within the heart.

Thought Of The day
September 25, 2023

You cannot change the beginning, you cannot go back,
The beginning has passed you by just like a bird flies from a nest.
But you can start where you still are and change the ending  

Thought Of The day
September 24, 2023

There are and always will be those moments, those specially times in that day.
Where I wish I could pick you from the stars and give you that last hug that final embrace.  

Thought Of The day
September 23, 2023

We cannot change the past. Father time simply won’t allow it
We can carve the future and make a change.
Especially if you’re the troubled one. It’s time to change,
Start today, Make a Change today, and tomorrow will be remembered.