Thought Of The Day

Thought Of The day
July 9, 2024

As day follows night we

welcome a new dawn,

what follows is destiny.

Previous Thoughts

Thought Of The day
September 16, 2023

Albert Einstein once said “our death is not an end. It’s not final it does not separate those whom we love if we can live on in our children and our children’s children for they are us.”
We are simply falling leaves on the tree of life
Life that special gift we have all been given, be thankful to be alive,
Take in everyday and make the most of tomorrow.
Then tomorrow we will remember.

Thought Of The day
September 15, 2023

You don’t just lose that special someone,
That one person who gave you so much, that one person who you shared such precious time
The memories you made, the dreams you full filled.
You lose that special someone for the rest of your life, and the rest of your life is but such a short time. That daily journey for the rest of your days.

Thought Of The day
September 14, 2023

I called out to you yesterday, Just as I did before.
I felt your presents, As you were near, not just in my thoughts.
You smiled and told me all was well.
I smiled with relief and could see you were now free of pain.
I pondered and felt so selfish in my grief for you are the one who has lost our time.
As you wished nothing but happiness and to be well.
As time ticks by until we are together once again.

Thought Of The day
September 13, 2023

There is no end to loss.
There is a skill we all learn to heal and how to stay afloat when the battle commences on dry land, Though we feel we are in nothing but a stormy sea.
Be kind to those that suffer for the stormy sea cares not for the victim we can all become 

Thought Of The day
September 12, 2023

In your journey I am right beside you,
I’ve seen all you have done and so  proud of all that you have achieved,
The person you have become.
I’m always with you in all the big moments.
Those special times when you reach and say those words to me “if only you were here”
Take heart, take comfort, for I am here.
I’m with you and you are not alone.  

Thought Of The day
September 11, 2023

I’m so sorry I had to leave.
There was no intention to cause this hurt,
Or pain your tears now hide.
But take heart and believe we will meet again in that place where time stands still and there is no parting or that final word goodbye.