Thought Of The Day

Thought Of The day
July 9, 2024

As day follows night we

welcome a new dawn,

what follows is destiny.

Previous Thoughts

Thought Of The day
July 24, 2023

Music holds so much, so many beautiful things.
Music and laughter bring joy to your soul the inner you music and laughter is a very big part of a happy me and you.

Thought Of The day
July 23, 2023

The gift life brings is such a precious thing.
To share that gift is more than a precious thing; it’s the most precious gift life can bring.
Find that gift and share your gift with another.
To become but one.
For the gift of love is the gift of your life.

Thought Of The day
July 22, 2023

How beautiful she was, her skin glowed, Her voice was soft and warm, her heart was entwined with mine and even now, in that moment in time she is still with me.
For she is mine and I am hers.
Its true love and true love never dies.

Thought Of The day
July 21, 2023

Me and you.
We are strong because our strength is true.
There will always be me and you.
We are one.
We are strong together.
We are me and you.

Thought Of The day
July 20, 2023

In my dreams, your voice it’s all so very clear and in my mind you are still here.
We share the special moments and in that distance that quite distant  time, it all becomes clear and you are still here.

Thought Of The day
July 19, 2023

Today was just like yesterday.
We laughed and shared the joy of what the day brings.
Oh what joy the day always brings.
For life is but full of special things.