Thought Of The Day

Thought Of The day
July 9, 2024

As day follows night we

welcome a new dawn,

what follows is destiny.

Previous Thoughts

Thought Of The day
June 19, 2023

No amount of crying will ever ease the pain we suffer and bring you back again.
That moment has passed and truly gone.
Strength is now the new victor in the struggle to carry on.
Be strong in your day today and it will make you stronger tomorrow.
But you will always remember tomorrow.

Thought Of The day
June 18, 2023

I took a journey down memory lane,
Tears filled my eyes and down they came like pouring rain within my heart.
The clocks stopped for a moment in time.
My mind was lost at that time.
In that time that once was.

Thought Of The day
June 17, 2023

I looked and within a glance,
There you were  with me yesterday.
Just like the day before.
So, was it my mind playing games.
No, for you will always be with me in everything I do just as before.
As true love is never ever parted.

Thought Of The day
June 17, 2023

Take a moment to search inside your mind today,
Remember those special moments.
Those precious times that you will hold safely within your heart
Although you may be apart there will always be that something within your heart.

Thought Of The day
June 16, 2023

Remembering is easy.
Dealing with the pain is the difficult part.
They say time is a healer.
Time is the clock that never stops ticking the daily toll of grief,
For that is the price we pay.

Thought Of The day
June 15, 2023

I thought of you briefly for a while today,
just like I did the day before.
So, much has changed as each day has gone by.
But not the memory of you or the influence you had on me.