Thought Of The Day

Thought Of The day
July 9, 2024

As day follows night we

welcome a new dawn,

what follows is destiny.

Previous Thoughts

Thought Of The day
February 24, 2023

Grief is the price  we all pay for love and you do not need permission to grieve for it is your right.

Thought Of The day
February 23, 2023

You can place a plaster or stitch on an open wound

but nobody can ever see the scar you’re carrying within your heart.

Thought Of The day
February 22, 2023

Hearts are easily broken, 
tears fall like rain and yes, it feels 
there is no answer to your pain.
But then is this really how things should be
Is the pain inside that you  feel how the past would want you to be.

Thought Of The day
February 21, 2023

Think of them often
take a moment and share that memory
for always in a glance 
they are near.

Thought Of The day
February 20, 2023

Those that we love Don’t go away 
They walk beside us everyday
Unseen, Unheard
but always near
still loved 
still missed 
and very dear.